Work Commute...
"...This is how much time commuters are wasting..."
- Increased traffic congestion and air pollution. Due to 9-5, this is just unavoidable. There will be peak times...
- Higher stress levels. Standing in a traffic jam, driving through a city, finding a parking...its just stressful.
- Increased risk of accidents on the way to work. Same goes for any commute, however during the daily stress it just adds another level. (not needed)
- Longer travel times, resulting in less time with family and friends. This is probably the biggest arguments, we do live in a more time-conscious society were it matters on how you spend your hours in minutes. NOT just family & friends but also time for yourself/hobbies/exploration/admin...
- Increased financial costs associated with commuting. Lets be real, any form of commuting does have a financial cost, however it is the whole assosicted costs of time & money. Ex: Car = insurance, fuel, replace broken pieces, amortization...
There are many reasons why commuting to work is rarely viewed as a positive. What are the benefits? Hard to say, but one thing is clear. If you work remote you can significantly decrease your commute and if anything, save money & time & stress.