10 Industries that fit with Remote Work

10 Industries that fit with Remote Work
  1. Technology: Many tech companies, such as GitHub and Automattic are hiring remote. Although, recent layoffs & tumbling stock prices have tainted the capacity for endless exponential growth in this sector - growth itself is inevitable.
  2. Consulting: Consulting firms that offer services such as strategy, marketing, and human resources are well-suited to remote work, as they often work with clients online and don't need to be in the same location as their team members.
  3. Education: The shift to online learning during the pandemic has accelerated the trend towards remote education, and it is likely that some form of remote learning will continue to be a part of the education industry in the future.
  4. Healthcare: Telemedicine, or the use of telecommunication and information technologies to provide clinical health care from a distance, has been growing in popularity and is likely to continue to do so as it allows patients to access care from anywhere.
  5. Legal: Many legal firms and individual attorneys are able to work remotely, as they often communicate with clients and work on documents electronically.
  6. Marketing and Advertising: Many marketing and advertising firms have embraced remote work, as it allows them to tap into talent from anywhere in the world.
  7. Finance: Financial services firms, such as investment banks and wealth management companies, have traditionally been less open to remote work, but the pandemic has forced many of them to adopt it. Citi bank has been a recent example of letting staff work from home, especially during the second half of December.
  8. Nonprofits: Nonprofits are often able to operate effectively with remote teams, as they often rely on online communication and collaboration tools. (Depending heavily on the position)
  9. Writing and Editing: Writers and editors are often able to work remotely, as they can communicate with clients and collaborate with team members online.
  10. Graphic Design: Graphic designers are also well-suited to remote work, as they can use online tools to collaborate with clients and team members and deliver their work digitally.

This list of 10 industries does not exhaust the possibilities of remote work by any means. What we can say, is that if your interested in the above fields - the chances of finding a remote job will be greater than in other industries.